Tuesday, December 31, 2019

We're Back!

I guess that you’re pleased to know that Cat Shelter Felix still exists, although we haven’t shared news with you here for quite a long time. After Danica’s stroke, we suddenly got engaged in a situation unlike any we’d dealt with before and the burden felt almost unbearable at times. We were swamped with work, overwhelmed with problems and inundated with cats, so our blog had to be put on hold on the back burner, but we were feeling chronically guilty for being quiet for such a long time. Now that we
have managed to set up some kind of routine at the shelter, we also have a new opportunity to start blogging again; the onset of a New Year is always a good time for new beginnings. Officially, we are back on track!
You all know that Felix shelter has been a forever home for a three digit number of cats for ages and right now there are around 120 shelter residents that we share our lives with. This rather lively and large kitty family consists of various members: the elderly,
youngsters, grumpies, mischievous monkeys, sweeties and gentle ones, healthy or chronically ill kitties and cats with disabilities. Some of the cats you knew and loved three years ago are no longer with us, but many new youngsters have
grown up here and numerous sick or injured strays have found their way to the shelter and into our hearts. Once you get to know them, see their photos and read their stories, we are certain you will love them just as much as we do.

The last day of 2019 is slowly creeping up on us and now it’s time for celebration. As the New Year dawns, I hope it is filled with the promises of a brighter tomorrow. May the universe bless you all in surprising and joyful
ways! Happy New Year!

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