I have same bad news from Danica's shelter: three kitties are sick. Among them, Okac, the one who had all those eye operations, and a new yellow kitten , Gingerella. She was vomiting a lot, and today, does not eat. Danica had already taken her to the vet, and they gave her some fluids, and something else, so she stopped vomiting, but she does not eat at all today.
Danica also fell when she was tending to thee cats in the basement part of the shelter, and she really hurt her head.

Only good news: Viktor brought much food from Hungary, and I am posting a picture of it. So, at this moment, food is not a problem, the vet bills are.

As to the medicine, she has currently vitamin paste (Gingerella loved it before she got sick), and she has all kinds of fleas medicine, and also some de-worming stuff. She always needs some ear cleaning fluids, hair ball stuff, and medicine for older kitties, with extra sensitive tummies, but, basically, now the money is most important for the vet bills.
The good news is : the new one (Danica calls her Jane Doe) is pretty well. I am also posting some of the pictures of her together with Gingerella, and a latest picture of poor Okac (has pneumonia).