The little one called Milance who had to be operated on again - they had to cut the stump of his leg, so he can not lean against it, is having really hard time getting better. Reminder: one of his stumps was inflamed all the time, and got infected, because there was no muscle .
He cries a lot...At the vet two days ago, when Danica took him for the stitches getting out, he bit Danica really hard, while she was holding him, because of the pain. I asked Danica why did not they gave him some kind of sedation, but she said that it is not good for him to be sedated that often. So, she would rather be bitten.
The incredibly good news (if it materializes), is that he might be adopted in Germany (through a Belgrade connection). It is a long shot - but she will see.

The rest of the pictures are other regular kitties, and, as you can see, a crate full of kittens who are sick (some kind of respiratory infection).

The cost of vet bills has been putting our cat stroller purchase off. However, she will need it very soon - before the winter .