Thursday, November 28, 2013

The First Snow

Snow and sleet are not really a surprise at the end of November but it seems that winter always comes too soon and somewhat unexpectedly… The weather we’ve had since yesterday is just an ominous sign of what lies ahead. Kitties welcomed the

first snow with mixed feelings – most of the youngsters looked excited, almost thrilled for a while, until they realized that the fluffy white stuff is also cold and wet. At that point their enthusiasm rapidly vanished and all they wanted was to get back to their rooms as quickly as

possible. Older kitties were definitely not impressed, to the extent that they hesitated at the very thought of stepping in fresh snow which remained on the higher objects in the yard, luckily it was too wet to stick to the ground.

In spite of all of our efforts, we haven’t quite managed to get the shelter ready for the cold months ahead. I guess all of you remember our excitement and sheer happiness when we received a very generous donation for the roof replacement back in September,

but due to the totally unpredictable and rainy weather, it simply wasn’t possible to find a construction company that was willing to start replacing the roof of the auxiliary cat rooms then. The only thing we can do is strengthen the existing structure the

best we can, put a nylon cover under the old roof and wait for spring to come. We're relying on pure luck once again, and anxiously hope the upcoming winter won’t be too harsh and snowy. With the extra support, the old roof should be able to withstand the snow

load and the roof replacement will finally begin in the spring, as soon as the weather gets nice.

The herpes outbreak that’s been sweeping through the shelter for months now is not slacking off yet. However, the everyday struggle to

try to quarantine and isolate all of the sick kitties and to boost the immune systems of those who were still healthy did give some encouraging results – almost all of the cats who had gotten sick first have recovered nicely and only a few of those recently affected ones

are still on the mend. Elderly cats and delicate youngsters are always at particular risk when a virus starts making the rounds through the shelter but all of them have put up a valiant fight up until now and I dare to hope that the near future will bring us

some relief. At this point it’s impossible to say if all of the kitties will be strong and lucky enough to make it through the winter, but we’ll do everything we possibly can to at least give them a fighting chance to see another spring.

In closing, we have wonderful news to share – thanks to the incredible generosity of a few caring, kind-hearted supporters and friends of Felix kitties, we finally have enough money to purchase the first tank of gas for central heating which will enable all 115 of the

shelter kitties to be warm and consequently healthier over the next two months! Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others make all the difference in the world and there are truly no words to describe the depth of our gratitude to our friends for all

of the kindness shown and support given in times of crisis. We'd like to extend our warmest wishes to all of our devoted donors, followers and their families over the holiday season. Without your unconditional support through thick and thin, our work would

not be possible and we wouldn’t be where we are today. May your thoughtfulness and compassion be returned to you a thousand fold!

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