The news is that little, extra cute Gingerello needs a home. Danica has been trying everywhere, and even her vet's office posted an ad, because even they , who deal with animals every single day,claim they have never seen such an adorable cutie!

Danica spent money in nursing him back to health, and the vet eventually gave him a clean bill.
He speaks all the time (extremely vocal little guy), he runs around like crazy wanting to play, he hisses at much bigger, stronger cats if he does not like the way they either play or ignore him... he is as cute as a button.
Picture tells all.

I am in the pet relocation business. It would not be cheap to move Gingerello to the US, but it is not prohibitively expensive either (est $2000). I will talk to my boss about what we might be able to do, but I cannot make any promises. I would love to take Gingerello as my own. He cannot be put back on the streets; that simply cannot happen. If there is any way I can arrange for our company to move this cat, I will do it. I will update next week.
Gingerello could also travel with someone, as "excess baggage" as opposed to "manifest cargo" and it would be considerably cheaper: but it would require that someone fly with him. I will explore options.
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