Except putting new photos on - nothing much to report, at least nothing terribly bad. Danica has been feeling much better after the accident, and she is not dizzy anymore. She has gotten some donations and she'll buy a new bike and maybe even the children's closed cart thing, that you can attach to the bike. It would be perfect for taking kitties to the vet.

Two cats have disappeared - Arlekinka and Frca. Danica says Arlekinka was getting really sick and weak, but Frca was OK, and also, Danica loves her very much, so she misses her and is worried if they were killed or something like that. With summer holidays, local boys go really wild, and very often cats are their target...

The one with wounded nose is Garazni - Danica does not know what had happened to his nose, he just showed up one evening like that. Another one, Crnac (Blacky), every summer has a painful skin condition, but she is dealing with it.
I will post the pictures of her new bike as soon as she gets it.