Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Marponi slowly gets better

Danica found Marponi aboout three months ago, and when she saw that he was neutered, she realized that somebody probably kicked him out because of old age. However, when she took him in, she found that he had a serious mouth/teeth problem: most of his teeth were missing, and his mouth was all inflamed inside. After several trips to the vet, she was told he needed a surgery. That cost about $150. - money she did not have. I sent her money, and then little Marponi, who the vet says is about 9 years old, had surgery. Now, he is getting better, but very slowly. Danica keeps him in the cage most of the time, but even when she opens it, he does not come out. Danica told me that the vet had said that, if Marponi does not get better in a week, it would be better to put him to sleep.

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