Saturday, October 22, 2011

The best face ever

Back then when Kmeca, my special kitty, was just a few hours old, someone threw her into manhole, together with her two sisters. I took them out, soaking wet and dried them with the towel, but I couldn’t find the mother cat so I kept wandering around the neighborhood for hours looking for her. She finally appeared and took her kittens away one by one. I haven’t seen any of them for about six weeks.

One evening, all four of them came out of nowhere – mother cat followed by her kitties, all of them with their tail raised up high. They ended up in my apartment. Kmeca’s sisters were quickly adopted but she didn’t want to separate from me. She was adopted and returned twice. Each time she behaved badly, she was unbearable – meowing and crying from her hiding place. The second time I had to go and pick her up in the middle of the night ‘cause she wouldn’t stop screaming and nobody in the neighborhood could sleep. Needless to say that she was super cute when we returned home.

Kmeca is now ten years old, quite a character and very charming. She likes to sleep in weird places, buckets and baskets are her favorite sleeping spots nowadays. Her unique face and distinctive voice are easily remembered, but there’s so much more in her than she lets us see. Such an unusual kitty!


mikken said...

Now THAT is a lovely smile! What wonderful teeth!

JodyAnn said...

Kmeca is a beautiful cat! The length of her fangs is wonderful. I have a Bombay cat and live in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. Thank you for your work and great website.

Angela P. said...

Kmeca is very unique and beautiful! I love that she thinks she can totally fit into the basket. :-) How very cute she is! Thank you for helping all the kitties!!!

ruzicam09 said...

mica drakulica ....VOLEM!