Hello, dear friends and donors,
I am posting new photos of Danica's kitties, although I do not have news, especially good news.
In those pictures, you can see irresistible smile of the sweet Gingarello, together with his little fangs, you can see Frca playing with the phone cord, you can see the rest of the gang in the street, in front of the shelter, and also some of the kitties, including little Milance, playing with each other, kissing, cleaning and everything...
By the way, Milance is sick, and Danica thinks that since he has no back legs, his tummy gets cold when he lays down. Who could know - but the fact is he gets tummy situations all the time now.

Also, several other kitties are in constant need of the veterinarian care, and although I bought pretty big cat stroller, I did not send it yet - it is so bulky, and so complicated to mail, and, well, expensive. However, Danica told me I need to do it urgently, because she can not use bike in snow and on ice , too dangerous both for her and the cats.

She had some promises of help from Germany, but nothing came out of it, except big disappointment.
On the brighter note: as many of you saw, Danica's kitty Sneska made it on the kitler page, and Mr. Paul Neve personally endorsed her! Unfortunately, she is currently Danica's only kitler.

Thanks to everybody who donated through PayPal - your help is needed and welcome.

Oh, it is so nice to see pictures!
I'm wondering, could Milance wear a little sweater to keep his tummy warm? I see little dog sweaters at the pet store that might fit a cat. I would be happy to buy one to send.
And how much would it cost to send the cat stroller to Danica? Maybe a special appeal for funds to send it in the next month?
Kindest regards,
Midori and kitties
Oh I so much loved to see such beautiful smiling faces :)
They are all so very lucky to have found such kind hearts :))
I agree also with the above comment from Midoris mom about the sweater, maybe a little leather on the tummy part for some insulation?
And maybe you could ask your Post office for ideas on how to send the stroller, I am sure they have sent worse things :) They may be able to help somewhat? :)
Congrats also to Sneksa.. hehe
I am sorry to hear about the person from Germany, yes this is why we love our kitties as much as we do, they are straight up and not cruel and mean like so many people can be :)
Thank you for the pictures today!! :)
Warm purrs to all :))
If Milance has been on very many antibiotics with all of those surgeries he's been having, it may explain all his tummy distress. Like in people, long rounds of antibiotics kill of all the good stuff in our systems along with the bad. One of the best and easiest cures is a few tablespoons of unflavored yogurt with his meals. This ought to get his systems back up and running, at least if that's what the problem is. Best of luck, and thank you for all the wonderful work you are doing for these cats.
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