Six years ago, children from neighborhood brought me two tiny baby kittens, which had just barely opened their eyes. Those were Tufnica and her little sister Zunza. I had to hand raise and bottle fed both of them and they were growing pretty fast. At the age of three months they both got sick suddenly and the vet said they had contracted panleukopenia. Zunza, who was weaker and more fragile from the beginning, didn’t make it. Tufnica did.
This calico beauty has always loved people. She had no fear of humans and used to approach everyone. Once a diminutive kitten, she grew up into a strong, healthy, loving kitty. I kept her in my apartment before we moved to the shelter.
Tufnica is really enjoying her life here. She is still extremely friendly and loves being scooped and snuggled. And I can’t feel anything but happy when I see how big and beautiful she has become. Nursing a kitten undoubtedly takes a lot of time and attention, but this dedication is rewarded by a life enriching experience.
What a sweetheart! Thank you for sharing!
What a beautiful girl! Her name is perfect for her! She sounds like a tough little survivor. Very sweet!!
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